
Showing posts from August, 2023

6 needs of the bt

6 needs of the bt learn the basics of judaism learn the hebrew language find a derech that suits him get a job get married find a place to live machon shlomo obstructed every item on the list except maybe getting a job they don't teach the basics, don't teach hebrew they isolate and mock every derech they don't let you date they were located on the other side of the world in a construction site and don't tell you about places you can live but they harm getting a job too because they are such snobs and most of us have to take regular, boring, unglamorous jobs so all the snobbery prevents you from getting a job and when you don't have all the other stuff, you can hardly work anyway

egomania on display

look at the egomania on display at the machon yaakov promotional video that's the sequence of the video inner greatness, comes from great leaders, and starts with education photo of gershenfeld teaching  

a 29 year old

When Machon Shlomo was started in 1982, the only hashkafa class was given by a 29 year old baal teshuvah who was 6 years out of a Christian college. Yet,  The age of 40 contains unique significance in both Halachic literature and Chazal, as we will list below. 1.    Ben Arbaim Lebina-Age of Binah-Understanding : At the age of 40 one reaches the age of understanding. [1] This means that he is now able to understand the depth of teachings of Torah, and to novelize many new laws and interpretations of verses. [2] This is because at this age a person reaches mental and intellectual maturity. [3] 2.    Morei Horah according to all opinions : [4] The Talmud [5] states that at age 40 one reaches the age of Horah, in which he can Pasken. Now, it is debated amongst the Rishonim and Poskim as to the intent of this Talmudic statement. Some Poskim [6] understand it to mean that one may not Pasken until age 40. Other Poskim [7] understand it as discussing one who is able to Pasken but ref

What's your rabbi like?

But didn’t Rabba bar bar Ḥana say that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: What is the meaning of that which is written: “For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is an angel of the Lord of hosts” (Malachi 2:7)?  “If the rabbi is similar to an angel of the Lord of hosts, (perfect in his ways) they should seek Torah from his mouth; but if not, they should not seek Torah from his mouth.”  (Chagigah 15b)