
Showing posts from May, 2023

First breadth than all the Brisker analysis

  And Rava says in reference to this verse: A person must always study Torah and gain a broad knowledge of it, and only then may he analyze and delve into it. As it is stated: “His delight is in the Torah of the Lord,” meaning that he studies the Torah on a basic level, and only afterward does the verse state: “And in his Torah he meditates,” i.e., he analyzes it.  Avodah Zara 19a So why do they start BTs on Brisker stuff?

Torah Sources on the Challenges Facing Jewish Men with regard to Matters of Purity

    The Prohibition Against Impure Thoughts: “Scripture ( Ecclesiastes 12,14) teaches us that God judges every action according to the person's hidden feelings. If a man inadvertently happens to see a beautiful woman and allows himself even a momentary impure thought while looking at her , he should not think that he did not commit a transgression because he had not gone out on purpose to be attracted by her charm. The statement that God judges man according to his hidden feelings applies in such cases also. Even pleasure at the sight of an unexpected sensual stimulus is a transgression. We should regard as a punishment the mere fact that we were given occasion for impurity without our having gone out to look for it. On the other hand, one who gets an unexpected opportunity to perform a mitzvah should rejoice and give thanks to God Who has given him this unsought opportunity to do good.” Sefer Chasidim , 177, (12th century) as translated in the monthly journal Jeshurun , 1